Florida and Fried Chicken!

By next week, we will be on our plane to Florida for another series of shots that will hopefully help my stroke recovery. The first 2 shots, though not miraculous, gave us significant improvement, and so since my wife and son have their Fall Break next week, we decided to spend it going to Boca Raton for another treatment.

Would you please pray for us and the kids as we travel? (They hated the plane ride but don’t want to stay home without us.) Also, kindly pray that these shots will improve my sleep, balance, bowel regularity and aches and pains. Of course, I would love to sing and play the piano again soon. Thank you so much.

Meanwhile, please take a moment to check out our latest videos and pass them on! Much thanks.

Low Carb -Asian Fried Chicken in 4 Different Flavors. Yum!https://youtu.be/ZRM1MeJS0Qc
Message: Living Simple and Free: “Who’s Calling You ?,” Colossians 1. 