April 8, 2018

New Beginnings: Who’s Your Fab Four?


Preacher: Tim Leung | Series: New Beginnings

New Beginnings: Who’s Your Fab Four?

The Fab Four Strategy
God’s desires for us all to know Him, share the good news of the Love of Jesus, and become His children.  Pastor Tim Leung shares a simple strategy that he calls, “The Fab Four.”
“He [Jesus] said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” – Mark 16:15

Reaching out, telling others about the hope of Jesus, is a direct command from God. However, evangelism can be very intimidating and even discouraging. The first step to reaching your friends and family for Jesus is praying for them. Listen as Tim Leung explains this simple, easy, and tremendously effective way tell others about Jesus. Who’s Your Fab Four?

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