June 24, 2018

The Search for Satisfaction – Part 1

Preacher: Tim Leung | Series: The Search for Satisfaction

The Search for Satisfaction
“The world breaks everyone …those that will not break, it kills.” Life is tough. It’s brutal. What’s the point in living if we’re all going to die anyway? Good times, hard work, accomplishments, ambition … what for? To many, the cycle of despair is so great that suicide becomes a logical solution. The deaths of respected celebrities, Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade, bring to light this rising epidemic. In the U.S., there are 123 deaths from suicide every day, 45,000 deaths per year. What can we say to someone who is thinking about taking their own life? Together, we look to the Bible to ask 1) why suicide, and 2) what is the answer to this problem?

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