Special Prayer Request Update

Thank you for your prayers.

God actually used one of my therapies to give me a sudden improvement in my walking. An amazing, anonymous benefactor made it possible for me to benefit from a rather non-conventional therapy and there was dramatic and immediate improvement last session!  Unfortunately, this time, it only lasted a couple of days and then my balance problems came back. Perhaps next time, the effects will even be better than last!

Also, a special prayer request if I may, for my son, Micah. He has been crying every night since he’s been back at school. He says he misses home and wants to go back to homeschool. Obviously, I’m touched and my immediate response is to shelter him and baby him. I actually like teaching him at home, but he really needs the socialization that the school offers him, especially during this time of Covid-19. It’s practically impossible to get my kids to interact with other kids. Please pray that he will overcome his shyness and learn to love making friends.

Thanks and God bless.