A Condition Worse than Covid-19

At the very least, Covid-19 has been a major intrusion into our lives. Even more, perhaps it has caused us fear and isolation. I pray that you and your family have not suffered any loss of life or loved ones. 

Maybe some of you have seen this national global crisis as an opportunity to shine. It is said that during the Middle Ages, the Black Death hit Europe and the Christians distinguished themselves by actually going into the cities to help those stricken with the plague. Perhaps  you as well, in your own way, have taken this crisis as an opportunity to serve others and show God’s love to those around you.

It’s important to understand that Covid-19 exists not because God is cruel or negligent, but because there is something terribly wrong with the world as we know it. Sickness, war, cruelty, and injustice were never a part of God’s original intention for humankind. God created man and woman to live in perfect harmony with the rest of creation and God Himself. He designed us to live with Him in a perfect Paradise. 

Unfortunately, because of the selfishness and shortsightedness of our ancestors and our own self-serving autonomy, we each have rebelled against God in our own ways. Like people who are asymptomatic carriers of Covid-19, many of us go through life not realizing our alienation from a loving God and His plans of blessing for our lives. We are sick with a disease far more insipid than even Covid-19. The Bible calls this fundamental human condition, sin, and every single person was born into it (Romans 3:23). Now the scary thing about the coronavirus is that there is no vaccine. However, there is some anecdotal hope that a certain drug used in the past for malaria has been administered with success to those with Covid-19. What a shame that those who have already lost their lives to this deadly virus were not made aware of the efficacy of this drug in time.

Likewise, for the fundamental problem of all humanity, there is a mighty cure for us that cannot only bless this mortal life, but more importantly, grant us eternal life as God intended, in Heavenly perfection (Romans 6:23). That cure is to place our faith and hope in Jesus Christ and Jesus alone. 

The Bible teaches that His sacrificial death was for us, to give us abundant life here on Earth (John 10:9-10) and everlasting life in the hereafter (John 3:16). My friends, do you know this eternal security? Are there others near and dear to you who do not yet enjoy this assurance of hope in Christ? Then please do not hesitate to make your (and their) future secure. Place your faith and trust in Jesus right now so that you may know unshakable peace, no matter what your circumstance is.

“If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Roman’s 10:9

But to as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God.” – John 1:12

If you’ve never received Jesus as your personal Friend and Leader, you can do so with this simple prayer:

Dear God, I thank you for sending Jesus to die for my sake that I might be   forgiven and have a right relationship with you. I confess that I have lived independently from you and now ask that you come into my life. Forgive me for all I’ve ever done wrong and be my life leader. Help me to live that full, abundant life that you have planned for me. Thank you for preparing a place for me in your Heaven forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you said that prayer, kindly send me an email and let me know so that I can encourage you and help you to grow in your new life with Jesus. Don’t hesitate to join in on one of the many online church services during this shelter-in-place period. 




God bless you, my friends.