To our Friends and Family,

As you may or may not know, Tim suffered a stroke last week. We are touched by the outpouring of love and support during this time. Thank you. Here is an update from Tim himself (typed by me). He is very tired and in need of rest. We are kindly asking to limit visitors at this time to allow him to heal. We do appreciate your continued prayers for his recovery. He has lost all strength and mobility in his left side and his speech is slightly impaired, but we praise God his cognition, vision, hearing, and the right side of his body appear to be unaffected.

Dear Wonderful Friends and Family,

This to give you a quick update on my condition. Last week, on Saturday, I suffered a stroke. Initially, the prognosis was hopeful. It seemed like recovery would be a small matter of time. But as the days wore on, it was alarming that my condition got worse. We are now back in the hospital. The stroke has become much more severe. I will be transferred to a treatment facility to receive intensive rehab. I miss my kids so very much.

I don't know if I will play the piano with my left hand again, but I still have my right hand. If I play again, it would be a miracle. I have asked many pastors and elders to come pray for me according to James 5. One thing is for certain, God is a gracious and loving Heavenly Father. He is able to things beyond all of our wildest imaginations (Eph 3:20). His plans for me are only good. (Jer 29:11). I am confident that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. (Ps 27:13).

Please pray that I will be patient and wait upon him faithfully. Lillian can fill you in on details. I am learning many lessons - hard lessons. I've realized now that I was too impatient, too prideful. I trusted in my own abilities. I spent too much effort looking for numbers and goals, and not loving, appreciating, and enjoying the moment and the people around me. We were simply too stressed out trying to get what we wanted by our own strategies. It's time to rest.

Please do not hesitate to share the Gospel with the people around you. While trying to witness to the paramedics, I found out that one came to the Lord because his 18 year old friend died in a car accident when he was in High School. None of us know the brevity of life. 

I am tired now. Please pray for us and my little children and that I can be a witness for Jesus wherever I am. Also pray for Andrew, the paramedic who doesn't know the Lord and the following nurses Sissy, Crystal, Emma and her boyfriend, and Chris, an Asian from Stockton (all nurses who do not go to church), and Dr. Shabhazi who isn't a follower of Jesus, and many more...

Love you all.