November 18, 2018

True Meaning of Thanksgiving


Preacher: Tim Leung | Series: Thanksgiving | What is the true meaning of Thanksgiving?
We have many reasons to give thanks to God, but we don’t. Honestly, the more we have, the more arrogant, self-seeking, and ungrateful we become. We think, “Who needs God? I’m a self-made person! I take care of myself!” Some of us even doubt His existence, forgetting the fact that we are alive only because He allows it. The fact of the matter is that we really don’t deserve anything except God’s wrath and punishment. But in His infinite mercy, he chose to love us and bless us in spite of our despicable sin-tainted selves. Taking on an attitude of gratitude to God is the first step to living in total freedom and joy that God intended for us through Jesus. This is the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

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